2023 Legislative Session
Legislative News
2023 Legislative Power Video
Legislative Updates
Geaux Far Louisiana 2023 Legislative Wins
Geaux Far Lousiana is pleased to share their first Legislative Wins since they launched our bold plan to dream big for little ones and their families.

HB 449 provides for Increased poll commissioner training and testing regarding accessibility laws and best practices. The appointment of an Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Compliance Officer in the Office of the Secretary of State. The creation of a “Voting Accessibility Advisory Group” in the Department of State, comprised of at least 7 members with diverse accessibility needs.
Bill HB 553 would add a seat to the state Board of Election Supervisors for a voter with a disability. It passed the Senate with amendments. The amendment, however, makes appointments to the State Board of Elections Supervisors much more restrictive. The bill now must go back to the House side for further consideration.
Legislative Testimony
Ashley Shelton , Norris Henderson, Checo Yancy, and Eve Williams give testimony on HB 449
Ashley Shelton, Marissa Pittman, Elijah Crawford, and Jacquelyn Germany give testimony on SB 80
Spring Legislative Calendar

Deadline for third reading/final passage of a bill
Monday, June 5
6:00 PM on the 42nd legislative day or the 57th calendar day

Thursday, June 8
6:00 PM

Bills go into effect
Tuesday, August 1
Unless bill provides otherwise
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