Ride to the Polls

Power Coalition for Equity and Justice is helping community members cast their vote!

Please complete the following form to request a ride to Early Vote or vote on Election Day.

Fields marked with an * are required
Do you know your polling location? *
Do you want to Early Vote?
What day would you like a ride? *

Please complete this WAIVER and email it to rides@powercoalition.org. 

Disclaimer of Liability. No provision of this contract will be given effect that attempts to require the State of Louisiana or its agencies to defend, hold harmless, or indemnify any contractor or third party for any acts or omissions. The liability of the State of Louisiana is defined under the Louisiana Tort Claims Act (K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.).

Give a Ride to the Polls

Please fill this form out if you would like to volunteer with the Power Coalition during early voting and/or Election Day to give Rides to the Polls. 
Volunteer to Give a Ride to the Polls

Voting Questions?
Call Us.

Call to get voter information & support for:
  • issues or questions regarding voting
  • additional civic engagement support