For Immediate Release: Saturday, July 19, 2022
Baton Rouge, LA– CEO and founder of Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (PCEJ), Ashley Shelton, released the following statement with the amicus brief filing in support of the plaintiffs in the Robinson v. Ardoin case: “Paul Weiss and Southern Coalition for Social Justice submitted an amicus brief on behalf of Power Coalition and the individuals and organizations who serve as plaintiffs in the case, Robinson v. Ardoin. The goal of the brief was to fully explain and break down the ongoing necessity of the Voting Rights Act. We have an opportunity now to fight and ensure we preserve voting rights for everyone and continue to build a multiracial democracy that meets the needs of all American people, but particularly Black Louisianans, who have not had a true voice for too long. The history Louisiana has with suppressing Black voting power continues to hurt Black communities in a wide range of ways. We see it in every quality of life indicator from health, policing, education and so many other indicators when you look at the outcomes of majority Black communities compared to others. There are policies our current Congressional delegation continues to ignore that would help, but because of manipulation tactics, we do not have proper representation and we continue to suffer. We need the Voting Rights Act in its entirety to protect our people. Changing and reshaping the discriminatory history that has prevailed in Louisiana starts with this case, and it is important the Supreme Court fully understands the past and what is at stake so they can understand the continued necessity of the Voting Rights Act for a better future in our state.”
Media Contact Information:
Marissa Hogan, Communications Associate
Email: mhogan@powercoalition.org
Phone: 504-952-4287
Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (PCEJ) is dedicated to supporting and coordinating civic and voter engagement across Louisiana. We are guided by values of justice and racial equity and work with our partners to build an integrated civic engagement strategy that amplifies the voices of those who have historically been ignored, and organize them into a unified movement. PCEJ focuses on building power in traditionally marginalized communities, particularly Black and Brown communities, by equipping people with the knowledge and information they need to find their voice and learn where and when to use it.