Supreme Court Reinstates Congressional Map With Two Majority-Minority Districts


On May 15th 2024, the US Supreme Court made history by reinstating Louisiana’s new congressional map voted in by the Louisiana legislature and fought for by activists throughout the state, including the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice. The state of Louisiana now has a congressional map that contains a second Black-majority district that will be in effect in time for the November general election. 

The court voted to grant a stay in Robinson V. Callias, after a district court made a decision to strike down the congressional map introduced by SB8 in January. The court ruled that the maps were “an impermissible racial gerrymander in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment”. The panel was made up of three judges, and the authors of the majority opinion were appointed by former President Donald Trump. 

SB8 was created in response to Robinson V. Landry, where the 2022 Louisiana congressional map was found to violate the Voting Rights Act. Before it had been established, Black voters in Louisiana only possessed a majority in just one of the state’s six congressional districts, despite making up nearly a third of the statewide population.The map, signed by the governor, increased the percentage of Black voters in Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District from 23 percent to 54 percent, empowering Black voters with a majority in the district and creating a second majority-minority district.

“The hope of achieving a map with two districts where Black voters can finally have fair representation has been our North Star and guiding light for years now,” said Ashley Shelton, the Founder and CEO of the Power Coalition on the Supreme Court’s decision. “Today, we can double down our work to mobilize our communities for this year’s elections. Our rallying cry for civic engagement is bolstered when voters know their votes can have an impact and their voices will be heard. While we know this case will continue, we are heartened by the fact that injustice won’t be served on Black voters once again in these 2024 elections. Today marks a battle won.”


Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (PCEJ) is dedicated to supporting and coordinating civic and voter engagement across Louisiana. We are guided by values of justice and racial equity and work with our partners to build an integrated civic engagement strategy that amplifies the voices of those who have historically been ignored, and organize them into a unified movement. PCEJ focuses on building power in traditionally marginalized communities, particularly Black and Brown communities, by equipping people with the knowledge and information they need to find their voice and learn where and when to use it. 

Contact Information: 

Ashley Shelton, CEO for Power Coalition


Phone: 225-802-2435