Be A

Be A Power Voter
  1. Vote in every election
  2. Express your voice through your VOTE.
    Educate yourself about the candidates.
    Turn out at least one other voter.

  3. Hold your elected officials accountable

    Educate candidates and elected officials about the issues facing their community.
    Follow up with elected officials to make sure they are actually fighting to fix those issues.
    Stay engaged in the political process outside of election season.

  4. Stand In Your Power

Take The Power Voter Pledge!

Power Voter Pledge!

Find Your Polling Location

Visit the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Voter Portal to find out everything you need to know about your polling locations, home district, and elected officials. You can also check your voter registration and find out how to get an Vote By Mail Ballot or Provisional Ballot.
Find My Polling Place
Request a Vote By Mail Ballot

Better Know Your District

Our partner, the Louisiana Budget Project, breaks down what you need to know about every House and Senate district in Louisiana. Visit their District Fact Sheets page to learn more about your home district.
District Fact Sheets
Find Your Local Register or Voters' Office

Frequently Asked Questions About Voting