Upcoming Legislative Hearings: Week of May 29

Wednesday, May 31

House – Administration of Criminal Justice 
Room 6 – 9:00 AM 

SB 48 Oppose (LACDL) SEN. MORRIS, JAY – CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Constitutional amendment to eliminate a judge’s discretion to grant bail for certain offenses after conviction. 

SB 159 Watch SEN. CATHEY – JUVENILE JUSTICE Provides for the detention of seventeen year old juveniles under certain circumstances.

SB 215 Support (VOTE) SEN. BARROW – CRIME/PUNISHMENT Provides justification defense to domestic violence victim-defendants. 

SB 217 Oppose (VOTE) SEN. HENRY – CAMERON CRIME/PUNISHMENT Creates a state wide database for individuals convicted of child abuse/neglect. 

House – Education
Room 1 – 10:00 AM

HB 287 Support (Housing Louisiana) REP. CORMIER – INSURANCE/PROPERTY Provides relative to insurance adjusters and property inspections (Subject to Rule Suspension).

HB 552 Support (Housing Louisiana) REP. HILFERTY – INSURANCE Suspends the premium surcharge of at least ten percent assessed by the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Subject to Rule Suspension). 

Senate & Governmental Affairs 
Room F 9:00 A.M.

HB 311 Support (LDF) REP. MIGUEZ (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits the use of monies from a foreign government or nongovernmental source to fund elections

HB 396 Support (PCEJ) REP. JENKINS Provides for the reinstatement of the voter registration of a person who is no longer under an order of imprisonment

HB 449 Support (PCEJ) REP. WILLARD Provides relative to the rights of voters with disabilitiesHB 490 Support (PCEJ) REP. LYONS Provides for procedures and guidance regarding voter registration activities