“The work to achieve equity is long, but we are grounded in our knowledge that it is righteous and liberating work.” Power Coalition's Faith Mini Grants GOTV 2024 Welcome to Power Coalition's Faith Mini Grants GOTV 2024. These questions should take you 15-20 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please reach out to Quincy Bates at qbates@powercoalition.org Blank W9 Form Email Address * settings Full name (first and last) * settings Mailing address * settings Phone number * settings Organization/Church (full name) * settings Are you a 501c3? (This will not prevent you from qualifying for the grant) * settings Yes No What cities will your organization be working in? * settings Project Overview: provide an overview of election day including its purpose, the community it will serve, neighborhoods * settings Were you recommended to apply? If so, provide their full name. * settings Have you previously received a grant from the Power Coalition? * settings Yes No Have you volunteered with Power Coalition? If so, describe. * settings List of partners that will work with you on this project: * settings Amount requested? (up to $2,500 based on impact) * settings How many people can you engage? Please give an estimated amount of people for each category below. Voter Registration settings Early Voting Events settings 100% Congregation Participation settings Souls to the Polls settings Budget Information: How will you spend the grant? Please include the Line Item, Amount, and Budget Details and give as much detail as possible. * settings Upload your W9. Click the link at the top of the form under the description titled "Blank W9 Form" to access if you don't already have one settings There will be a mid and final report required if you receive the grant. By clicking this box you confirm you understand. * settings I understand that if I receive the grant, I will be required to submit a mid and final report. Additional comments (optional) settings Submit Power Coalition's Faith Mini Grants GOTV 2024 Click Submit to finish. arrow_back Back Submit Your Voice MattersGet more information about voting in your area.My Polling PlaceSecretary of StateEmpower Others to VoteMake use of our Organizer's ToolkitGet InvolvedToolkit
02 Apr Municipal General Election Deadline to Register to Vote In Person or By Mail Wednesday EVENT DETAIL