Racial Equity Resource Guide
![James Baldwin & Nikki Giovanni, a conversation [FULL]](https://powercoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/james-baldwin-300x168.jpg)
James Baldwin & Nikki Giovanni, a conversation [FULL]
“Original video from SOUL! and then shoutfactorytv. All rights and love to Soul! and shoutfactorytv for broadcasting this. Taped in London, November 1971.”

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Trevor Noah
“Trevor shares his thoughts on the killing of George Floyd, the protests in Minneapolis, the dominos of racial injustice and police brutality, and how the contract between society and black Americans has been broken time and time again. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #GeorgeFloyd”

Why White People Need to Use Their Bodies to Defend Black People
Sonya Renee Taylor
“Don’t Ask What You CAN Do to Help Unless You’re Down to Do This!!!
until white people become willing to put their BODIES on the line for the purpose of justice there is no point asking, ” What can I do?” cuz what you really mean is ” What can I do that will not disrupt my comfort, access, resource or safety? What can I do that is easy?” Stop asking what you can do If you are unwilling in your cis able-bodied white flesh to use your privilege and positional power to intervene against the police state. What you can do is put your damn body on the line against whiteness and its institutionalized structures I.e. The Police. where will you put your body? #georgefloyd #blacklivesmatter#racialjustice #whitesupremacy#whiteness”

A Business Against Racism
Villy Wang
“Villy Wang is in the business of rewriting stereotypes, empowering youth of color to take back their narratives through storytelling. In this moving talk, Wang explains how she developed a program to train kids in filmmaking so they can create new, authentic stories and break the cycle of bias perpetuated in media.”