For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 17
Power Coalition and partners across Louisiana are hosting events and engaging in work in celebration of Juneteenth.
Power Coalition and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge will be hosting their second annual Juneteenth Bailout on Sunday, June 20 at the Eastern Baton Rouge Jail. They will be posting bail for people currently being held awaiting trial.
Join Imagination Leads, City of Baton Rouge- Mayor President Sharon Weston Broome, Manship Theatre, and Power Coalition as we celebrate Juneteenth with a Conversation & Evening with Tiffany Cross host of The Cross Connection. The event will be at the Manship Theater at Shaw Center for the Arts, on Friday, June 18 at 7pm with virtual and in person options available. Find out more and reserve tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/juneteenth-speaker-series-featuring-tiffany-cross-tickets-154047934519f
June 18th, 2021 is the first day of the Freedom Ride for Voting Rights Bus Tour that will launch in none other than New Orleans, Louisiana. Louisiana holds a special place in history, as it was designated as the final destination of the original Freedom Rides. History will continue to be made as we crusade for voting rights across the nation with original freedom riders from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina all the way to Washington D.C. The bus will be making the following stops in New Orleans: 9am-9:45am–New Zion Church, 10am- 11am– Ashe Cultural Center, from 12pm – 2pm– Treme Center, from 2pm- 3pm– Congo Square, and from 5pm-7pm– Fundraiser at Vyoones.
Art-ish is an art show for Black artists in Shreveport in celebration of Juneteenth. The show will be held Saturday, June 19 from 12pm-10pm at the newly renovated SporTran bus terminal, now called “The Lot”. The event will feature visual artists and musicians all day!
Join the Inclusive Louisiana Protest Against Environmental Racism and Formosa on Sunday, June 20th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. There will be a march from Watertower Street to Legion Street in Convent, Louisiana with a final celebration on the grounds of Pilgrim Full Gospel Church.
Rise St. James is hosting their second Juneteenth Commemoration this Saturday, June 19 at 11am to honor our ancestors buried at the site currently occupied by Formosa Plastics, to celebrate their lives and to stand up against the petrochemical industry’s oppression of their descendants. They will be livestreaming the event on our Facebook page for remote participation. Lunch will be provided afterwards at Rose’s Catering 10141 Frontage St. St. James, LA 70086. There will be door prizes as well as awards for participants in their Black history essay contest.
Saturday, June 19 11am-12:30
Who: Power Coalition for Equity and Justice and Partners
What: Host Juneteenth events across Louisiana
Contact Information:
Ashley Shelton, President, Founder, CEO of Power Coalition, (225) 802-2435, ashelton@powercoalition.org