2023 Bill Tracker
|Community Spotlight: Power Coalition Equity and Justice|Though Black population increases statewide, numbers decrease on legislative level|House Bill 286 to Extend Early Voting Passes Senate and Headed to Governor’s Desk|House Bill 285 to Increase Time in Voting Booth Unanimously Passes Senate and Headed to Governor’s Desk
Bill Focus | Bill # | Bill Sponsor | Summary | Current Status |
Fiscal | HB1 | Rep. Jerome Zeringue | Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | HB8 | Rep. Dodie Horton | Requires display of the "In God We Trust" in each classroom in each public school | Signed by the Governor - Act 264 |
PreK-12 | HB9 | Rep. Rhonda Butler | Creates and provides for the administration of a program for the purpose of providing state funding for qualified education expenses for students with exceptionalities in grades kindergarten through 12 who are not enrolled in public school | Senate Finance |
Environment | HB10 | Rep. Robby Carter | Removes the authority of carbon dioxide storage facility operators to use eminent domain to acquire property or rights without the property owner's consent | Involuntarily Defered |
PreK-12 | HB 12 | Rep. Richard Nelson | Prohibits promotion to the fourth grade of certain students whose reading deficiencies have not been remedied by the end of the third grade | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 14 | Rep. Gabe Firment | Adds more chemical substances to the controlled dangerous substance law | House Final Passage |
Health | HB 15 | Rep. Paul Hollis | Provides for annual audits of every homeowners association comprised of 25 or more lot owners | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Criminal Justice | HB16 | Rep. Laurie Schlegel | Provides additional penalties for the crime of simple burglary under certain circumstances | Sent to Governor |
Workers Rights | HB21 | Rep. Joe Stangi | Provides relative to extended pregnancy and infant care for certain school employees | Sent to the Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 24 | Rep. Candace Newell | Decriminalizes marijuana posession and distribution | Involuntarily Defered |
Elections and Voting | HB26 | Rep. Denise Marcell | Provides relative to the voting requirements of the Board of Pardons | Considered 4/20 House ACJ |
Criminal Justice | HB31 | Rep. Troy Romero | Adds certain crimes against juveniles that require sex offender registration | Substitute Adopted on the Floor |
Environment | HB 35 | Rep. Robby Carter | Prohibits carbon dioxide sequestration projects in St. Helena Parish | Scheduled 5/10 House Natural Resources |
Firearms | HB38 | Rep. Joe Stangi | Provides reletive to the carrying of concealed firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB660) |
Discrimination | HB40 | Rep. Delisha Boyd | Prohibits intentional employment discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. | Considered 5/3 |
Workers Rights | HB51 | Rep. Jonathan Goudeau | Provides relative to the attendance at employment interviews | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB54 | Rep. Luarie Schlegel | Provides relative to the discretion of the district attorney to prosecute a juvenile as an adult for certain offenses | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB55 | Rep. Larry Selders | Provides relative to the mental health treatment of incarcerated people | Signed by the Governor - Act 214 |
Fiscal | HB 62 | Rep. Tony Bacla | Reduces the rate of the state sales and use tax | Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB65 | Rep. Debbie Villio | Designates the crime of "simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling" as a crime of violence | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB66 | Rep. Debbie Villio | Provides for the forfeiture of good time and credits earned toward the reduction of sentence in certain circumstances | Considered 4/26/23 House administration of criminal justice |
PreK-12 | HB68 | Rep. Valarie Hodges | Authorizes public high schools to offer a course of instruction in the history and literature of the Bible | Signed by the Governor - Act 215 |
Criminal Justice | HB 70 | Rep. Debbie Villio | Provides relative to diminution of sentence and parole eligibility for fourth or subsequent nonviolent felony offenses | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 71 | Rep. Stuart J. Bishop | Reduces the rate of the state sales and use tax | Pending House Ways and Means |
Workers Rights | HB 74 | Rep. Polly Thomas | Provides with respect to criminal background checks and solicitation for home inspectors | Signed by the Governor - Act 338 |
Criminal Justice | HB 75 | Rep. Debbie Villio | Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil | Considered 5/23 Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | HB 77 | Rep. Laurie Schlegel | Provides for attorney general investigation for publishers and distributors of material harmful to minors | Signed by the Governor - Act 216 |
Discrimination | HB 81 | Rep. Raymond Crews | Provides relative to the use of certain names and pronouns for students | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 84 | Rep. Laurie Schlegel | Provides relative to disposition of juveniles after adjudication of certain felony-grade delinquent acts | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 85 | Rep. Mike Johnson | Creates the crime of approaching a law enforcement officer lawfully engaged in law enforcement duties | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB89 | Rep. Denise Marcell | Provides relative to the collection of certain traffic stop data by law enforcement | Signed by the Governor - Act 217 |
Criminal Justice | HB 90 | Rep. John Stefanski | Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil | Signed by the Governor - Act 399 |
Criminal Justice | HB 94 | Rep. Tony Bacla | Provides reletive to theft of automated teller machines | Signed by the Governor - Act 218 |
PreK-12 | HB 98 | Rep. LanceHarris | Creates and provides for a program to provide state funding for the education of students not enrolled in public school and expands the ability of parents to enroll children in the public school of their choice | Senate Education |
Fiscal | HB99 | Rep. Joe Orgeron | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the disposition of funds derived from alternative energy production in the coastal area be deposited in the Coastal Protection and Restoration Funds | Senate Finance |
Discrimination | HB 102 | Rep. Julie Emerson | Provides relative to access to certain materials in public libraries | Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 109 | Rep. Wilford Carter Sr. | Provides relative to factors in fixing the amount of bail and modifications of bail | Considered 5/30 Senate Judiciary C |
Environment | HB 110 | Rep. Gabe Firment | Provides relative to fortified roof endorsements | Signed by the Governor - Act 12 |
Fiscal | HB 116 | Rep. Joe Orgeron | Related to Breeze Act (To distribute revenues from oil, gas, and wind leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf, and for other purposes.) Other partners to involve: Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, Audubon, NWF. | Senate Finance |
Health | HB 117 | Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman | Requires public schools to provide free menstrual products in easily accessible locations | Senate Finance |
Environment | HB 125 | Rep. Michael Echols | Provides relative to agriculture land protection against foreign adversaries | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | HB 131 | Rep. Danny McCormick | Provides relative to the concealed carrying of firearms | Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Health | HB 135 | Rep. Mike Johnson | Prohibits a registered sex offender or child predator from serving as a commissioner or watcher | Sent to Governor |
Higher Education | HB 136 | Rep. Larry Bagley | Provides for the abolition of the office of police chief and the police department for the village of Noble | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 145 | Rep. Mark Wright | Provides for a flat rate for purposes of calculating the income tax for individuals, estates, and trusts | Pending House Ways and Means |
Fiscal | HB 146 | Rep. Mark Wright | Provides for a flat rate for purposes of calculating the corporate income tax | Pending House Ways and Means |
Criminal Justice | HB 147. | Rep. Mark Wright | Provides relative to the time period for disciplinary offenses prior to an offender being considered for parole | Senate Judiciary B |
Elections and Voting | HB 149 | Rep. Joseph Marino | Provides for the compensation of members of the legislature | House floor action |
Criminal Justice | HB 151 | Rep. Mark Wright | Provides relative to denial of parole | Senate Judiciary B |
Parental Rights | HB 152 | Rep. Beryl Amedee | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to fundamental parental rights | House Final Passage |
Government Affairs | HB 155 | Rep. Rhonda Butler | Establishes the Louisiana Rural Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program to provide financial assistance to local governments and political subdivisions for certain capital infrastructure projects | Sent to Governor |
Vaccination Status | HB 158 | Rep. Kathy Edmondston | Provides for a limitation of liability relative to the administration of pandemic disease vaccinations | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Elections and Voting | HB 159 | Rep. Les Farnum | Provides for a supplemental annual canvass of registered voters | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB646) |
Criminal Justice | HB 160 | Rep. Stephanie Hilferty | Guarantees access to juvenile court proceedings by victims' families, and allows them to disclose details that are otherwise sealed | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 162 | Rep. Matthew Willard | Increases the amount of the earned income tax credit | Considered 4/18 Ways and Means |
Higher Education | HB 164 | Rep. Kenny Cox | Lowers the minimum ACT score required for initial qualification for a TOPS-Tech Award from 17 to 15 | House Appropriations |
Elections and Voting | HB 165 | Rep. Mandie Landry | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for an initiative and referendum process | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Fiscal | HB 172 | Rep. Phillip Devillier | Reduces the severance tax rate for oil over a certain period of time and fixes the severance tax rate for oil produced from certain wells at the current rate | Considered 5/22 Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Elections and Voting | HB 174 | Rep. Julie Emerson | Prohibits the disclosure of certain information regarding the active duty or dependent status of certain voters | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | HB 175 | Rep. Delisha Boyd | Prohibits carrying firearms into hospitals and mental health facilities | Involuntarily Defered |
Health | HB 180 | Rep. Matthew Willard | Provides relative to housing opportunities | Scheduled House Commerce 5/8 |
Vaccination Status | HB 182 | Rep. Kathy Edmondston | Provides that no person shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment or attendance at any public or nonpublic school | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 187 | Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman | Provides relative to release and dissemination of booking photographs of an arrested person for the purpose of victim notification | Considered 4/20/23 |
Criminal Justice | HB 188 | Rep. Larry Frieman | Provides relative to denial of parole for dangerous offenders | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 197 | Rep. Phillip DeVillier | Phases-out the corporation franchise tax over five years | Pending House Ways and Means |
Fiscal | HB 203 | Rep. Phillip DeVillier | Repeals constitutional sales tax exemption on groceries, prescription drugs and home utilities | Considered 4/24/23 |
Higher Education | HB 205 | Rep. Marcus Bryant | Requires additional compensation for teachers and other school employees under certain circumstances | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 208 | Rep. Alan Seabaugh | Lowers the age for consideration as a juvenile in the criminal justice system | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Discrimination | HB 211 | Rep. Edmond Jordan | (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Elections and Voting | HB 212 | Rep. Paul Hollis | Provides for the signatures required on a recall petition | Senate and Governmental Affairs |
PreK-12 | HB 213 | Rep. Ken Brass | Exempts certain school surveillance and security video from the Public Records Law | Signed by the Governor- Act 301 |
Elections and Voting | HB 216 | Rep. Dodie Horton | Authorizes certain military members stationed in Louisiana to serve as commissioners | Signed by the Governor |
Government Affairs | HB 217 | Rep. Vanessa Caston LaFleur | Authorizes the creation of commissioner positions at the 19th JDC | Signed by the Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 228 | Rep. Kyle Green | Eliminates the death penalty | House Administration of Criminal Justice sched. for 4/26/23 |
Firearms | HB 234 | Rep. Bryan Fontenot | Provides relative to the concealed carrying of firearms | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
PreK-12 | HB 242 | Rep. Stephanie Hilferty | Provides relative to corporal punishment in elementary and secondary schools | Signed by the Governor- Act 268 |
Elections and Voting | HB 260 | Rep. Beau Beaullieu | Provides relative to federal election guidance and funding | Sent to Governor |
Maternal Health | HB 266 | Rep. Mandie Landry | Provides relative to the civil liability and criminal prosecution of certain pregnancy outcomes | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 265 | Rep. Bryan Fontenot | Provides relative to release and dissemination of booking photographs of an arrested person | Signed by the Governor - Act 303 |
Fiscal | HB 266 | Rep. Mandie Landry | Provides relative to the civil liability and criminal prosecution of certain pregnancy outcomes | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 271 | Rep. Nelson | Provides relative to sequestration of jurors | Signed by the Governor - Act 75 |
Health | HB 272 | Rep. Matt Willard | Provides relative to maternity support services of doulas | Signed by the Governor - Act 270 |
PreK-12 | HB 282 | Rep. Kyle Green | Requires free school breakfast and lunch for certain students | Signed by the Governor - Act 305 |
Workers Rights | HB 283 | Rep. Vanessa Caston LaFleur | Provides relative to employment practices related to wage history, wage disclosure, and retaliation | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 286 | Rep. Delisha Boyd | Provides relative to expungements for certain amounts of possession of marijuana | Signed by the Governor - Act 342 |
Fiscal | HB 287 | Rep. Mack Cormier | Provides relative to insurance adjusters and property inspections | Considered 4/20 House Insurance |
Health | HB 291 | Rep. Charles Owen | Provides for visitation policies at certain healthcare facilities and requires that such policies allow for in-person visitation | Signed by the Governor - Act 367 |
Fiscal | HB 294 | Rep. Matthew Willard | Provides for certain insurance premium discounts | Signed by the Governor - Act 1 |
Firearms | HB 299 | Rep. Danny McCormick | Provides relative to enforcement of federal firearm laws | Involuntarily Defered |
Elections and Voting | HB 304 | Rep. Joseph Orgeron | Prohibits an elected official who has retired or resigned from office from filling the vacancy his retirement or resignation created | Signed by the Governor - Act 119 |
Fiscal | HB 309 | Rep. Garofalo | Provides relative to fortified home and commercial standards | Sent to the Governor |
Elections and Voting | HB 316 | Rep. Tammy Phelps | Provides for Louisiana High School Seniors Voter Registration Day | Signed by the Governor - Act 79 |
Criminal Justice | HB 317 | Rep. Neil Riser | Creates the crime of criminal access of an automated teller machine | Considered 4/20 ACJ |
Firearms | HB 318 | Rep. Larry Selders | Provides relative to automatic weapons | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 321 | Rep. Debbie Villio | Creates the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Pilot Program | Senate Finance |
Criminal Justice | HB322 | Rep. Matt Willard | Specifies that certain motor vehicle violations are secondary offenses that cannot be grounds for initiating a stop | Failed House final passage |
Firearms | HB 331 | Rep. R. Dewith Carrier | Provides relative to automatic weapons | Signed by the Governor - Act 120 |
PreK-12 | HB 338 | Rep. Barbara Reich Freiberg | Provides relative to the Early Childhood Care and Education Commission | Signed by the Governor - Act 83 |
Workers Rights | HB 340 | Rep. Troy D. Romero | Provides relative to the duration of unemployment compensation benefits and provides for extended benefits | Senate Labor and Industrial Relations |
Elections and Voting | HB 343 | Rep. Barbra Carpenter | Provides relative to the districts for the election of members of the House of Representatives | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Health | HB 346 | Rep. Delisha Boyd | Provides for exceptions to the abortion laws of this state relative to rape and incest | Considered 5/10 CJA |
Marijuana | HB351 | Rep. Mandie Landry | Provides relative to a recommendation of medical marijuana in employment | House Final Passage |
Fiscal | HB 363 | Rep. Richard Nelson | Phases out Corporate Franchise Tax | Considered 4/17/23 |
Fiscal | HB 364 | Rep. Stuart Bishop | Phases out Corporate Franchise Tax | Pending House Ways and Means |
Government Affairs | HB 366 | Rep. Samuel Jenkins | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the establishment of uniform leave policies by law | Pending House & Governmental Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 370 | Rep. Mandie Landry | Create the crime of criminal access of an automated teller machine | Signed by the Governor - Act 85 |
Fiscal | HB 374 | Rep. Ed Larvadain | Establishes a state minimum wage rate | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 378 | Rep. Devillier | Provides relative to imporper supervision of a minor | Signed by the Governor - Act 86 |
Elections and Voting | HB380 | Rep. Randal Gaines | Provides for the redistricting of the Supreme Court | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Fiscal | HB 393 | Rep. Foy Gadberry | Provides relative to certain building code roofing inspections of a commercial or residential structure | Signed by the Governor - Act 25 |
Elections and Voting | HB396 | Rep. Samuel Jenkins | Provides for the reinstatement of the voter registration of a person who is no longer under an order of imprisonment | Considered Senate Government and Affairs |
Vaccination Status | HB 399 | Rep. Kathy Edmondston | Requires that communication issued about immunization requirements include exemption information and applies exemptions not only to students seeking to enter school but also to students attending school | Sent to the Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB413 | Rep. Barry Ivey | Provides relative to parole eligibility for certain offenders | 4/20 Considered ACJ |
Criminal Justice | HB 422 | Rep. Denise Marcell | Limits the fees assessed by the office of debt recovery on delinquent debt that originates from certain criminal fines, fees, and costs | 4/18 Considered Ways and Means |
Criminal Justice | HB 426 | Rep. Marcus Bryant | Provides relative to the work opportunity tax credit for businesses that hire certain formerly incarcerated persons | 4/18 Considered Ways and Means |
Fiscal | HB 436 | Rep. Travis Johnson | Provides a state sales tax exemption for certain farmers for acquisition of renewable energy systems and items and services for energy efficiency improvements | Considered 4/24/23 |
Criminal Justice | HB 440 | Rep. Marcus Bryant | Provides relative to assault upon a utility service employee | Scheduled House Administration of Criminal Justice 4/20 Rm 6 |
Criminal Justice | HB 441 | Rep. Marcus Bryant | Provides relative to assult upon a utility service employee | Signed by the Governor - Act 65 |
Elections and Voting | HB 445 | Rep. Lance Harris | Provides for the reopening of qualifying after the death of a candidate in a primary election under specified circumstances | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Fiscal | HB 447 | Rep. Vincent Pierre | Requires agency referrals of delinquent debt to the office of debt recovery for collection to include certain information | Signed by the Governor - Act 87 |
Elections and Voting | HB449 | Rep. Matthew Willard | Provides relative to the rights of voters with disabilities | Signed by the Governor - Act 277 |
Health | HB 452 | Rep. Ryan Bourriaque | Establishes a state tax credit for the development of certain housing projects that qualify for federal affordable housing tax credits. | Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Health | HB 461 | Rep. Mary DuBoisson | Provides relative to exceptions to abortion | Involuntarily Defered |
Discrimination | HB 463 | Rep. Gabe Firment | Prohibits certain procedures to alter the sex of a minor child | Substitute Adopted on the House Floor |
Firearms | HB 464 | Rep. Bryan Fontenot | Provides relative to possession of a firearm by a felon | Conference Committee (House) |
Discrimination | HB 466 | Rep. Dodie Horton | Provides relative to discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools | Sent to the Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 475 | Rep. Tanner Magee | Provides relative to admissibility of evidence of a defendant's creative or artistic expression | Signed by the Governor - Act 354 |
Criminal Justice | HB 479 | Rep. Joseph Marino | Provides relative to expungement of records | Signed by the Governor - Act 90 |
Elections and Voting | HB 490 | Rep. Rodney Lyons | Provides for procedures and guidance regarding voter registration activities | Considered 5/31 Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Fiscal | HB 491 | Rep. Denise Marcell | Eliminates tax cut “trigger” | Pending House Ways and Means |
Elections and Voting | HB494 | Rep. Pat Moore | Authorizes persons and organizations engaging in lawful nonpartisan activities to remain within six hundred feet of the entrance of a polling location | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Elections and Voting | HB 496 | Rep. John Stefanski | Makes revisions to the Louisiana Election Code | Signed by the Governor - Act 91 |
Criminal Justice | HB 498 | Rep. John Stefanski | Provides relative to a mandatory minimum bail amount for certain offenses | House Final Passage |
Elections and Voting | HB 509 | Rep. Jerome Zeringue | Provides for the redistricting of districts for the election of justices to the supreme court | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB519 | Rep. Barbara Carpenter | Provides relative to absentee voting by qualified incarcerated voters | Failed House Final Passage |
Health | HB 522 | Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman | Provides relative to abortion | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Environment | HB 526 | Rep. Jerome Zeringue | Establishes and provides for the Louisiana Office of Resilience | Signed by the Governor - Act 315 |
Elections and Voting | HB 534 | Rep. Barbara Carpenter | Provides relative to the districts for the election of members of the House of Representatives | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Elections and Voting | HB538 | Rep. Samuel Jenkins | Provides relative to early voting locations | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB543 | Rep. Edmond Jordan | Provides relative to vehicle pursuits by peace officers | Voluntarily deferred 5/2 |
Criminal Justice | HB 545 | Rep. Edmond Jordan | Prohibits the charging of a person who has been committed to the custody of the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections (DPS&C) for using a telecommunication service or the person accepting the communication from the incarcerated person. | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 549 | Rep. Cedric Glover | Provides relative to termination of pregnancy that is the result of certain sex offenses | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Health | HB 552 | Rep. Stephanie Hilferty | Suspends the premium increase of at least 10% assessed by the La. Citizens Property Insurance Corp. for policies issued in this state. | House Floor Action |
Elections and Voting | HB 553 | Rep. Cedric Glover | Provides for appointment of a voter with disabilities to the State Board of Election Supervisors | House concurrence - |
Government Affairs | HB555 | Rep. Tammy Phelps | Establishes an amnesty program for fines, fees, and assessments imposed by the office of motor vehicles | Considered 4/24/23 |
Criminal Justice | HB557 | Rep. Rodney Lyons | Provides relative to vehicle searches | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Environment | HB 571 | Rep. Clay Schexnayder | Provides relative to carbon capture and sequestration | Signed by the Governor - Act 378 |
Fiscal | HB 584 | Rep. Garofalo | Suspends the premium surcharge of at least ten percent assessed by the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation for policies issued in parishes affected by the 2020 and 2021 hurricanes | Pending House Insurance |
Criminal Justice | HB 586 | Rep. Stefanski | Provides for civil liability for actions related to fentanyl | Signed by the Governor - Act 412 |
Criminal Justice | HB 588 | Rep. Randal Gaines | Provides relative to convictions rendered by a verdict from a non-unanimous jury | Failed House Floor Action |
Fiscal | HB 591 | Rep. Adrian Fisher | Provides relative to fee exemptions for certain solar power generations facilities | Senate Natural Resources |
Health | HB 596 | Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman | Creates the Louisiana Family and Medical Leave Benefits Act | Involuntarily Defered |
Health | HB 598 | Rep. Candace Newell | Amends definitions relative to the crime of abortion | Involuntarily Defered |
Fiscal | HB 604 | Rep. Ray Garofalo | Provides for the appraisal process | Conisdered 5/10 |
Fiscal | HB 610 | Rep. Samuel Jenkins | Increases the tax-exempt amount of annual retirement income | Senate final passage |
Marijuana | HB 612 | Rep. Candace Newell | Levies taxes on sales of cannabis and dedicates revenues derived from those taxes | Considered 5/1 |
Fiscal | HB 632 | Rep. Alonzo Knox | Establishes the Next Generation Tax Credit for taxpayers claiming a dependent five years of age or younger | Voluntarily Deferred 5/1 |
Discrimination | HB 648 | Rep. Firment | Prohibits certain procedures to alter the sex of a minor child | Sent to the Governor |
Bill Focus | Bill # | Bill Sponsor | Summary | Current Status |
SB 7 | Sent to the Governor | |||
SB 16 | Signed by the Governor - Act 235 | |||
SB 23 | Signed by the Governor - Act 236 | |||
SB 31 | Signed by the Governor - Act 386 | |||
SB 35 | Considered 5/8 Senate Passage | |||
SB 41 | Sent to the Governor | |||
SB 42 | House Final Passage | |||
SB 46 | Signed by the Governor - Act 238 | |||
SB 48 | House Final Passage | |||
SB 49 | Signed by the Governor - Act 148 | |||
SB 51 | Signed by the Governor - Act 149 | |||
SB 54 | Sent to Governor | |||
SB 56 | Signed by the Governor - Act 288 | |||
SB 62 | Signed by the Governor - Act 250 | |||
SB 80 | Signed by the Governor - Act 240 | |||
SB88 | Scheduled 5/8 --Senate Final Passage | |||
SB 111 | Sent to Governor | |||
SB 117 | Signed by the Governor - Act 243 | |||
SB 123 | Sent to Governor | |||
SB 124 | Signed by the Governor - Act 256 | |||
SB 135 | Signed by the Governor - Act 207 | |||
SB 147 | Signed by the Governor - Act 259 | |||
SB 148 | Scheduled 5/11 Senate Labor and Industrial Relations | |||
SB 149 | Withdrawn | |||
SB 154 | sent to the Governor | |||
SB 158 | Senate Education - Sched. for 4/27/23 | |||
SB 159 | Sent to the Governor | |||
SB 165 | Pending Senate Judiciary C | |||
SB 168 | House Final Passage | |||
SB 201 | Signed by the Governor - Act 393 | |||
SB 203 | Considered 5/3 Senate and Governmental Affairs | |||
SB 204 | Signed by the Governor - Act 287 | |||
SB 208 | Pending Senate Insurance | |||
SB 215 | House Criminal Justice | |||
SB 217 | Sent to the Governor |