Bill Tracker
|Community Spotlight: Power Coalition Equity and Justice|Though Black population increases statewide, numbers decrease on legislative level|House Bill 286 to Extend Early Voting Passes Senate and Headed to Governor’s Desk|House Bill 285 to Increase Time in Voting Booth Unanimously Passes Senate and Headed to Governor’s Desk
Bill Focus | Bill # | Bill Sponsor | Summary | Current Status |
Health | HB 1 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | specifically 750k Appropriations ask regarding EBT match at farmers market for fruits and vegtables be statewide | Pending House Appropriations |
PreK-12 | HB 4 | Representative Phillip Tarver (R) | Removes gubernatorial appointments on BESE, reducing board # from 11 to 8. | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 7 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | Provides relative to court-monitored domestic abuse intervention program (OR NO IMPACT See Note) | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice - Considered 3/17/22 |
Firearms | HB 8 | Representative Bryan Fontenot (R) | Allows city prosecutors and assistant city prosecutors to legally carry guns | Pending House concurrence |
Firearms | HB 9 | Representative Paul Hollis (R) | Prohibits homeowner association community documents from restricting lot owners' rights to protect their property and persons domiciled on their property. | Pending House Civil Law & Procedure |
Government Affairs | HB 12 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | Provides for legislative termination of a declaration of an emergency or any portion of the declaration. | Subject to call - Senate final passage |
Environment | HB 25 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Prohibits retirement systems from investing in companies that boycott energy companies | Pending House Retirement |
HB 27 | ||||
Housing | HB 28 | Representative Nicholas Muscarello Jr., (R) | Provides relative to certain eviction proceedings in the City Court of Hammond | Signed by the President |
Fiscal | HB 29 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) To require the legislature to appropriate no less than fifty percent of nonrecurring state revenues for application to certain state retirement system unfunded accrued liability | Senate Finance |
Fiscal | HB 31 | Reprenstative Phillip Tarver (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Dedicates a certain amount of state nonrecurring revenue to state retirement systems for supplemental benefit payments | Senate Finance |
PreK-12 | HB 33 | Representative Phillip DeViller (R) | Creates and provides for a program to provide state funding for the education of students not enrolled in public school (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note) | Senate Finance |
Elections and Voting | HB 35 | Representative Les Farnum (R) | Provides for a supplemental annual canvass of registered voters | Passed the Senate |
Firearms | HB 37 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Allows permitless conceal carry for anyone over 18 | Senate floor action |
Criminal Justice | HB 40 | Representative Mack Marcel Cormier (D) | Provides relative to evidence that is admissible | Involuntarily Defered |
Discrimination | HB 41 | Representative Candace Newell (D) | Provides relative to race and national origin discrimination in education, employment, public accommodations, and housing options | House Floor Action |
Firearms | HB 42 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | Provides an exception to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons for retired justices of the peace | Signed by the President |
Firearms | HB 43 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | Provides relative to enforcement of federal firearm laws | Senate final passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 47 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | Requires that any communication issued to students or parents relative to immunization requirements include exemption information and an exemption form | Senate final passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 48 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | Prohibits the administration of vaccines on school property and at school-sponsored events | WITHDRAWN |
Criminal Justice | HB 51 | Representative Jonathan Goudeau (R) | Provides relative to vehicular homicide | Senate Final Passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 53 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides with respect to autonomy in making personal health care decisions | Failed Final Passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 54 | Representative Larry Bagley (R) | Creates the crime of discrimination based on vaccination status | Senate Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 60 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | Provides relative to the termination of an existing judicial section of the Juvenile Court for Orleans Parish | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 64 | Representative Mandy Landry (D) | Changes the definition of child from a person under the age of 17 to a person under the age of 18 in certain contexts. | Signed by the Governor - Act 202 |
Criminal Justice | HB 68 | Representative Barbara Carpenter (D) | Adds minor children of the offender to the list of specific victims of the crime of first degree murder. | Subject to call - House final passage |
PreK-12 | HB 75 | Representative Lance Harris (R) | Requires public school governing authorities to post on their websites information pertaining to instructional materials and activities ** Charter school exempt | Pending House Education |
Fiscal | HB 80 | Representative Rick Edmonds (R) | Restricts spending of state general fund revenue-direct to 98% of the official forecast | Senate Finance |
Housing | HB 83 | Representative Laurie Schlegal (R) | Provides relative to homeowner's insurance policies that require a civil authority to prohibit use of the dwelling in order to pay loss of use benefits | House concurrence |
PreK-12 | HB 84 | Representative Phillip Tarver (R) | Eliminates, subject to adoption of a constitutional amendment, the gubernatorial appointment of three members of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, providing for an all-elected membership and reducing the membership to eight | House final passage |
Health | HB 90 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) | Creates the office on women's health within the La. Department of Health and provides for the functions of the office. | Senate Finance |
Criminal Justice | HB 99 | Representative Wayne McMahen (R) | Adds the crime of resisting a police officer with force or violence to the list of crimes of violence | Passed the Senate |
Criminal Justice | HB 101 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Provides that a homicide is justified when committed to prevent imminent destruction of property or imminent threat of tumultuous and violent conduct during a riot. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 103 | Representative Polly Thomas (R) | Requires persons convicted of the offense of production or manufacturing of methamphetamine to register with local law enforcement agencies. | Senate Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 106 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Eliminates the death penalty | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 109 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | increases the one-year prescriptive period for delictual actions to a two-year prescriptive period | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Criminal Justice | HB 124 | Representative Nicholas Muscarello (R) | Provides relative to certain judicial proceedings conducted by audio-visual means | Signed by the President |
Marijuana | HB 125 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) | Cannabis Legalization | Pending House Judiciary |
Workers Rights | HB 126 | Representative Troy D. Romero (R) | Prohibits the disqualification of unemployment benefits to individuals who were terminated from their employment due to failure to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine requirement. | Senate Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 129 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | Removes the provisions associated with an arrested person's failure to honor a written promise to appear | in Conference Committee (House) |
PreK-12 | HB 133 | Representative Lance Harris (R) | Provides for technical corrections and revision of provisions of Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes | Senate Education |
Criminal Justice | HB 134 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Provides relative to the crime of false statements and false or altered documents | Sent to Governor |
Marijuana | HB 135 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Authorizes dispensing of medical marijuana by Louisiana-licensed marijuana pharmacies to certain qualifying patients who are not Louisiana residents. | Senate final passage |
Marijuana | HB 137 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Provides relative to immunity from prosecution for medical marijuana | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Fiscal | HB 140 | Representative Michael Echols (R) | Requires the waiver of all penalties and interest for the late filing of an income tax return or the late payment of income tax if the return or payment was originally due during a certain gubernatorially declared disaster and the late return or payment was submitted no later than April 30, 2022. | Pending House Ways and Means |
Environment | HB 141 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Prohibits certain public contracts with companies that boycott fossil fuel companies | Pending House Appropriations |
Health | HB 146 | Representative Charles Owen (R) | Provides relative to civil proceedings authorizing a sterilization or abortion of an interdict or person under continuing tutorship | House Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 156 | Representative Barbara Reich Freiberg (R) | Provides relative to criminal history review with respect to teacher certification | Signed by the Speaker |
Housing | HB 160 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Prohibits a lessor or owner from bringing an action for possession of a residential property on the basis of abandonment for 30 days following the declaration of a federally declared disaster if the federally declared disaster caused the residential premises to be abandoned. | Passed the Senate |
Criminal Justice | HB 162 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Exempts the payment of expungement fees for persons determined to be factually innocent and for persons granted a pardon. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 165 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | Present law sets the maximum acreage for oil and gas leases at 5,000 acres. Proposed law retains present law and provides for leases for wind energy and sets the maximum acreage for such at 25,000 acres. | House concurrence |
Government Affairs | HB 166 | Representative Gregory A Miller (R) | Clarifies that the deadline for gubernatorial action on a bill is based upon the legislative session in which the bill passed. | Senate final passage |
Environment | HB 167 | Representative Phillip DeViller (R) | Reduces the severance tax rate on oil over an eight-year period from 12.5% to 8.5% of its value at the time and place of severance and specifies the severance tax rate for oil produced from certain wells. | Pending House Ways and Means |
Environment | HB 169 | Representative Neil Riser (R) | Removes requirement that state employed geoscientists have professional licenses. | Signed by the Governor - Act 14 |
Elections and Voting | HB 170 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | Provides procedure for accepting crypto-currency as a campaign contribution. | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 175 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Provides that inmates shall not be required to make a copayment upon receiving medical or dental treatment. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Vaccination Status | HB 177 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits discrimination based on vaccination or immunity status | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Elections and Voting | HB 178 | Representative Debbie DeVillio (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the right to vote | Senate final passage |
Government Affairs | HB 179 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Removes the line item veto power of the governor | House Final Passage |
Higher Education | HB 183 | Representative Jason Hughes (D) | Provides relative to withholding of student transcripts for financial reasons | House Final Passage |
Discrimination | HB 185 | Representative Charles Owen (R) | Revises provisions relative to expressive activities on college campuses. | Signed by the Speaker |
Elections and Voting | HB 186 | Representative John Stefanski (R) | Provides that the standard of knowledge for a candidate making a false statement about another candidate in the election is "knows or should be reasonably expected to know" | Signed by the Governor - Act 110 |
Elections and Voting | HB 188 | Representative Debbie DeVillio (R) | Provides relative to prohibitions and requirements for digital material of a political nature | Sent to Governor |
Workers Rights | HB 192 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | Provides for the unemployment compensation procedure to be applied by the administrator for 2023 calendar year | Signed by the Governor - Act 116 |
PreK-12 | HB 194 | Representative Rhonda Butler | Creates and provides for a program to provide state funding for the education of students with exceptionalities not enrolled in public school | Senate final passage |
PreK-12 | HB 195 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Requires public schools to provide free menstrual products in student restrooms or other easily accessible locations | Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 199 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for term limits for sheriffs | Pending House Judiciary |
Criminal Justice | HB 200 | Representative Chad Brown (D) | Relative to misdemeanor prosecutions, requires the court to allow a plea of not guilty by the filing of a sworn affidavit when a defendant is absent. | Senate received Conference Committee Report |
Elections and Voting | HB 202 | Representative Mike Johnson (R) | Requires political committees to indicate and certify specified information regarding independent expenditures and coordination with candidates and other political committees if applicable and requires the supervisory committee to notify a candidate if a political committee not affiliated with that candidate is organized to only support that candidate. | Signed by the President |
Government Affairs | HB 205 | Representative Stewart Bishop (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Effective Jan. 8, 2024, changes the term limitation on legislators to three and one-half of four consecutive terms in the same house of the legislature, beginning with service on or after Jan. 11, 2016. | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Elections and Voting | HB 206 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Provides that the party affiliation for candidates for judicial office shall not be printed on the ballot | House floor action |
Elections and Voting | HB 208 | Representative Mike Johnson (R) | Changes "corporation" to "legal entity" in the definition of political committee for purposes of campaign finance disclosure. | Signed by the Governor - Act 135 |
Firearms | HB 209 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Authorizes certain parishes to adopt or enforce certain ordinances or regulations regarding the sale, purchase, possession, ownership, transfer, transportation, license, or registration of firearms, ammunition, or their components. | Involuntarily Defered |
Discrimination | HB 219 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Provides that pay equality shall extend to all persons employed in the state of La. | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
PreK-12 | HB 222 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) | Proposed law generally retains present law as applicable to students in grades nine through 12. Provides that a student in grades pre-K through eight may be suspended only for acting in a way that is intended to cause significant bodily harm or emotional distress to another person. Proposed law requires, prior to any out-of-school suspension, assignment to alternative placement, or expulsion, that the student be assessed using an instrument approved by the La. Dept. of Health that is designed to determine if the student has experienced trauma. | Pending House Education |
Workers Rights | HB 223 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) | Provides for expanded eligibility relative to participation in a workforce development sentencing program. | Senate final passage |
PreK-12 | HB 227 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | Creates and provides for the administration of a program for the purpose of providing state funding for qualified education expenses for students with exceptionalities in grades kindergarten through 12 who are not enrolled in a public school. | Pending House Education |
Workers Rights | HB 229 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | $11.65, constitutional amendment, no phase-in | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Workers Rights | HB 230 | Representative Stewart Bishop (R) | Extends the deadline for applying for rebates in the Louisiana Quality Jobs Program | Senate final passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 232 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | Prohibits requiring vaccination verification or immunity status for certain transactions or for inclusion on a driver's license or special identification card | Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works |
Marijuana | HB 234 | Representative Laurie Schlegal (R) | Prohibits smoking or vaping marijuana in motor vehicles | Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 246 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | 5-day grace period for lapse in auto insurance | Legislative Bureau |
Government Affairs | HB 247 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Provides with respect to the recusal of judges. | Signed by the Governor - Act 42 |
Discrimination | HB 248 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Provides relative to Robert E. Lee Day and Confederate Memorial Day | Pending Senate final passage |
HB 251 | ||||
Vaccination Status | HB 253 | Representative Kathy Edmonston (R) | Prohibits discrimination on the grounds of a person's immunity status or vaccination status in all contexts in which discrimination is prohibited in present law. | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Elections and Voting | HB 254 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Relative to campaign finance, removes differences in campaign contribution limits based on the office sought by the candidate. | Failed House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 255 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Repeals the termination date of Act 110 of the 2020 R.S. of the Legislature of La. relative to the assessment, collection, and distribution of certain court costs and fees in the parish of Orleans | Pending House Judiciary |
Housing | HB 257 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Provides for early termination of lease agreements for certain lessees with physical or mental conditions that require relocation. | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 258 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Provides that a person not under indictment, incarcerated under an order of indictment, or on probation or parole for a felony offense after a conviction rendered by a verdict from a non-unanimous jury shall be eligible to qualify to serve as a juror. | House Judiciary |
Firearms | HB 260 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Establishes firearm hold agreements, and provides a limitation of liability for federal firearms licensees who enter into such agreements. | Signed by the Speaker |
Environment | HB 267 | Representative Neil Riser (R) | Provides relative to the existing right of a storage facility operator to expropriate property for the purpose of drilling through a storage facility in Caldwell Parish | Signed by the Governor - Act 163 |
PreK-12 | HB 269 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | Prohibits promotion to the fourth grade of certain students whose reading deficiencies have not been remedied by the end of the third grade | Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 271 | Representative Jason Hughes (D) | Provides relative to post conviction relief for non-unanimous jury verdicts | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 272 | Representative Patrick O. Jefferson (D) | Provides for mental health evaluations in divorce and child custody proceedings | Signed by the Presiden |
Environment | HB 273 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Provides relative to financial institutions | Pending House Commerce |
PreK-12 | HB 274 | Representative Rick Edmonds (R) | Proposed law additionally requires adoption awareness instruction to include: The reasons adoption is preferable to abortion. Statistical data on abortion, adoption, and childbirth. | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | HB 279 | Representative Valarie Hodges (R) | Provides for the appointment of poll watchers by the state central committee of certain political parties. | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 282 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Provides relative to the probation of defendants in drug division probation programs or specialty court programs | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 283 | Representative Jack McFarland (R) | Provides relative to timber harvest season permits | Signed by the Governor - Act 142 |
Criminal Justice | HB 294 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | Provides relative to the guaranteed issue of Medicare supplement policies | Sent to Governor |
Vaccination Status | HB 295 | Representative Troy D. Romero (R) | Requires that proof of COVID-19 antibodies be treated and recognized as being vaccinated | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Discrimination | HB 298 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude | Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 246 |
Environment | HB 299 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Provides for an exception to the Open Meetings Law | Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Housing | HB 303 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides relative to discrimination in sale or rental of housing and other prohibited practices | Failed House Final Passage |
Workers Rights | HB 308 | Representative Patrick Jefferson (D) | Proposed law changes the minimum weekly benefit amount from $10 to $35. Proposed law otherwise retains present law. | Sent to Governor |
Workers Rights | HB 311 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) & Kyle Green (D) | Establishes a state minimum wage rate $10 in 2023, $12 in 2024 | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 313 | Representative Thomas Pressly (R) | Provides relative to rights of victims of criminal offenses | Signed by the Governor - Act 207 |
Criminal Justice | HB 321 | Representative Delisha Boyd (D) | Provides that an offender eligible for consideration for release under the program shall be any offender who meets all of the following conditions: (1) Has attained the age of at least 70 years old. (2) Has served more than 50% of the sentence imposed. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 323 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | Proposed law authorizes the sheriff of each parish to establish and administer a Back on Track La. Pilot Program for inmates of any jail or prison under the jurisdiction of the sheriff. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 331 | Representative Jack McFarland (R) | Provides relative to the application of the timber severance tax | Signed by the Governor - Act 165 |
Discrimination | HB 342 | Representative Valarie Hodges (R) | Prohibits financial institutions from denying financial services to a person based upon a person's political affiliation or any environmental, social, or governmental credit factors. | House Commerce |
Health | HB 344 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Prohibits the state and its political subdivisions from enforcing, administering, or cooperating with the decision and judgments of the United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade | Pending House Civil Law and Procedure |
Higher Education | HB 346 | Representative Francis Thompson (D) | Provides for a program and a fund for the purpose of providing scholarships for students in approved teacher preparation programs | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | HB 352 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Provides for paid postage on absentee voting ballots. | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Vaccination Status | HB 353 | Representative Troy D. Romero (R) | Provides that if an employer allows an employee to get regularly or periodically tested for COVID-19 in lieu of the employee adhering to an employer mandated COVID-19 vaccine requirement, then the employer must cover the testing. | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Vaccination Status | HB 354 | Representative Valarie Hodges (R) | Prohibits parish and municipal governments from requiring a person to prove or disclose his medical status related to diseases as a condition of participating in a constitutionally protected activity. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Environment | HB 355 | Representative Charles Owen (R) | Prohibits municipalities from enacting certain regulations relative to fuel retailers and transportation infrastructure | House Final Passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 357 | Representative Samuel Jenkins (D) | Proposed law retains present law except to remove the stipulation that the president's authority to change the location of the polling place is contingent on there being no regularly scheduled meeting of the parish governing authority prior to the election. | Sent to Governor |
Vaccination Status | HB 359 | Representative Beau Beaullieu (R) | Prohibits implementation of federal election directives and guidance and spending of federal money for elections under certain conditions. | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | HB 365 | Representative Alan Seabaugh (R) | Designates the crime of possession of a firearm by a felon as a crime of violence | Sent to Governor |
Government Affairs | HB 366 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the mandatory retirement age for judges | Senate Judiciary A |
PreK-12 | HB 369 | Representative Lance Harris (R) | Requires public school governing authorities and public schools to post on their websites laws pertaining to parental access to instructional materials and the Parents' Bill of Rights | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 371 | Representative Wayne McMahen (R) | Amends the definition of "police officer" for the crimes of battery of a police officer and resisting a police officer with force or violence to include juvenile detention facility officers. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 372 | Representative Troy D. Romero (R) | Provides for the assessment of green house gas emissions reduction facilities for purposes of ad valorem property taxes | Pending House Ways and Means |
Criminal Justice | HB 376 | Representative Mike Wright (R) | Provides relative to the operation of a motor vehicle while using a wireless telecommunication device | House Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 378 | Represenetative Joseph Mariano (I) | Adds certain substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law | Signed by the Governor - Act 46 |
Criminal Justice | HB 382 | Representative Francis Thompson (D) | Adds certain substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Workers Rights | HB 396 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Prohibits the state from applying for a waiver of SNAP work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents absent legislative authorization and revokes any such waiver currently in effect. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Environment | HB 398 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Increases the maximum civil penalties assessed by the Department of Environmental Quality | House Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 402 | Representative Jason Hughes (D) | Provides relative to the prescriptive period for certain actions for abuse of a minor | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 404 | Representative Richard James Nelson (R) | Provides for parole eligibility for juvenile offenders. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Government Affairs | HB 405 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | Provides for calling a constitutional convention and preparations therefor | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Vaccination Status | HB 407 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Prohibits adding any vaccine with emergency use authorization status to the list of vaccinations required for school and child daycare entry | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Criminal Justice | HB 408 | Representative Mary DuBuisson | Provides for a civil judgment in favor of the victim for outstanding restitution amounts at the termination of a defendant's term of supervision. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice - Considered 3/17/22 |
Criminal Justice | HB 409 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Prohibits the issuance of a summons in lieu of an arrest for certain domestic violence crimes | Sent to Governor |
Vaccination Status | HB 413 | Representative Bryan Fontenot (R) | Requires communication issued to students or parents about a COVID-19 vaccine requirement or certain other vaccine requirements to include information about the authorized exemption from these requirements | Pending House Education |
Criminal Justice | HB 415 | Representative Joseph Marino (I) | Provides relative to the administrative hearing applicable to the suspension of certain driving privileges | Failed House Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 418 | Representative Delisha Boyd (D) | Provides relative to collection and reporting of data regarding jail facilities | Pending House Administration and Governmental Affairs |
Elections and Voting | HB 423 | Representative Buddy Mincey (R) | Provides for high school seniors to have the opportunity to participate in voter registration at school. | Sent to Governor |
Marijuana | HB 425 | Representative Larry Bagley (R) | Increases the number of licenses for pharmacies dispensing marijuana for therapeutic use. | House Final Passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 427 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Prohibits the administration of vaccines to minors on school property and at school-sponsored events | Senate final passage |
Vaccination Status | HB 428 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Prohibits the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the state Department of Education from recommending any vaccine or medical procedure | Failed House final passage |
Marijuana | HB 430 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | Provides for the regulation of the cultivation, manufacturing, and retail sale of cannabis and cannabis products. | Pending House Judiciary |
Criminal Justice | HB 431 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | Provides relative to DNA database cross-referencing | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 433 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Provides for review hearings during the duration of commitment for a felony- grade adjudication of a child. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 434 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Prohibits deferred dispositional agreements from being available for juveniles convicted of distribution of controlled substances or crimes of violence. | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 436 | Representative Phillip Tarver (R) | Authorizes a one-time rebate for La. residents who file La. individual income tax returns which reflect adjusted gross income of less than $150,000 for the 2020 tax year. | Pending House Ways and Means |
Fiscal | HB 438 | Representative Tony Bacala (R) | Reduces the rate of the state sales and use tax | Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Discrimination | HB 439 | Representative Delisha Boyd (D) | Prohibits intentional employment discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 442 | Representative Mary DuBuisson (R) | Provides relative to the payment of fines, fees, costs, restitution, and the waiver of certain obligations | House Administration of Criminal Justice - Considered 3/17/22 |
Criminal Justice | HB 443 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Provides relative to the payment of fines, fees, costs, restitution, and other monetary obligations related to an offender's conviction | Signed by the Governor - Act 219 |
Criminal Justice | HB 447 | Representative Jason Hughes (D) | Creates the crimes of recruitment of juveniles to commit carjacking and recruitment of juveniles to commit armed robbery and adds the new crimes as elements of the crime of racketeering activity. | Signed by the Governor - Act 220 |
PreK-12 | HB 452 | Representative Barbara Reich Freiberg (R) | Creates and provides for a program to provide state funding for the education of certain students who have been victims of bullying and are not enrolled in public school | Senate Finance |
Fiscal | HB 460 | Representative Ken Brass (D) | Expands the purpose for which the governing authority may levy a special annual tax to include preventative programs and specifies what preventative programs encompass. | Sent to Governor |
HB 461 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | Provides relative to mayors' courts | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1069) | |
Criminal Justice | HB 462 | Representative Buddy Mincey (R) | Creates the crime of unauthorized removal of a minor from school property | Subject to call - House final passage |
Firearms | HB 464 | Representative Alan Seabaugh (R) | Provides relative to the transfer of firearms | Pending House Health and Welfare |
PreK-12 | HB 470 | Representative Scott McKnight (R) | Provides relative to the collection and sharing of certain student information | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 471 | Representative Buddy Mincey (R) | Provides relative to background checks for workers dressed in costume as certain characters | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Workers Rights | HB 472 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Establishes a minimum direct wage of $4.26 per hour for tipped employees. | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Discrimination | HB 474 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | Prohibits financial institutions from denying financial services to a person based upon a person's political affiliation or any environmental, social, or governmental credit factors. | House Commerce |
Firearms | HB 483 | Representative Travis Johnson (D) | Changes the amount of time required to lapse before a person with a felony conviction is allowed to possess a concealed weapon or apply for a concealed handgun permit from 10 years to five years. | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 485 | Representative Denise Marcelle (D) | Excludes certain criminal fines, fees, and costs from the additional costs assessed by the office of debt recovery when a debt becomes delinquent. | Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 492 | Representative Bryan Fontenot (R) | Provides relative to the issuance of a summons by a peace officer | Sent to Governor |
Workers Rights | HB495 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Provides relative to family and parental leave for state employees | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Government Affairs | HB 498 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Changes the timing and duration of regular legislative sessions; regular sessions would begin on Jan. 5th and end by July 1st each year. | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 500 | Representative Tony Balaca (R) | Provides relative to contradictory hearings prior to setting bail for certain persons | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1059) |
Workers Rights | HB 506 | Representative Rodney Lyons (D) | Proposed law increases the minimum weekly benefit amount from $10 to $50. Proposed law otherwise retains present law. | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 508 | Representative Gregory A Miller (R) | Provides relative to notification when an inmate convicted of a violent or sexual offense is scheduled to be released | Sent to Governor |
Government Affairs | HB 513 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | Allows the legislature to change the number of judges in any judicial district and number of districts and judges in any appellate circuit and supreme court district by majority vote. | Pending House Judiciary |
PreK-12 | HB 516 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Requires each governing authority of a public high school to adopt policies regarding attendance, breastfeeding, and child care for students who are pregnant or parenting. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 517 | Representative Larry Selders (D) | Creates and provides for the Medical Advisory Council within the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 520 | Representative Jason Hughes (D) | Provides relative to emergency contraception for victims of sexual assault | Substitute adopted on House floor |
PreK-12 | HB 531 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Provides for a cause of action against a school that denies entrance to students because of immunization requirements. | Senate Education |
Health | HB 537 | Representative Paula Davis (R) | Requires health insurance coverage for infertility treatments | Senate Finance |
Health | HB 543 | Representative Joe Stagni (R) | Removal of Collaborative Practice Agreement | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Elections and Voting | HB 552 | Representative Mike Johnson (R) | Proposed law requires that a person have a REAL ID, rather than a driver's license, in order to register to vote electronically. Otherwise retains present law. | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Workers Rights | HB 555 | Representative Charles Owen (R) | Provides relative to occupational licenses | Sent to Governor |
Health | HB 557 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Provides relative to the dispensing of contraceptives | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | HB 559 | Representative Rick Edmonds (R) | Provides for curing absentee by mail ballot deficiencies. | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1074) |
Higher Education | HB 561 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides for consistency in the Domestic Abuse Assistance Act in the Children's Code | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 561 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides relative to civil liability for sexual assault | Involuntarily Defered |
Government Affairs | HB 562 | Representative Cedric Glover (D) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to a redistricting commission | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Discrimination | HB 570 | Representative Gabe Firment (R) | Establishes the "SAFE Act" in Louisiana and prohibits procedures that alter the gender of minors. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
HB 573 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Provides for the prohibition of marketing to minors for medical products, procedures, and pharmaceuticals from state agencies | House Health and Welfar | |
Criminal Justice | HB 577 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Makes US Supreme Court cases retroactive | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Firearms | HB 585 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides relative to reporting of certain firearm data to the La. Commission on Law Enforcement | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 592 | Representative Jerome Zeringue (R) | Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 | Signed by the Governor - Act 170 |
Fiscal | HB 593 | Representative Brett Geymann (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Relative to restrictions on the expenditure of state funds | Pending House Appropriations |
Vaccination Status | HB 594 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Provides for rights of individuals to bodily autonomy and to make healthcare decisions, prohibits the state and its political subdivisions from interfering with such rights, and authorizes enforcement actions to protect those rights. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Vaccination Status | HB 596 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for rights of individuals to bodily autonomy and to make healthcare decisions | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Vaccination Status | HB 600 | Representative Larry Frieman (R) | Provides for release of opt-out information to the public when state law requires a vaccination or immunization | Senate final passage |
Discrimination | HB 605 | Representative Mandie Landry (D) | Defines "conversion therapy" and prohibits certain licensed health professionals from engaging in that practice with any minor. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Redistricting | HB 608 | Representative John Stefanski (R) | Provides relative to the districts for members of the United States Congress | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Redistricting | HB 609 | Representative John Stefanski (R) | Provides for the districts for the election of members to the House of Representatives | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Higher Education | HB 610 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Provides relative to student loans | Sent to Governor |
Housing | HB 612 | Representative Mike Huval (R) | Provides for the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 615 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides relative to law enforcement records | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | HB 616 | Representative Scott McKnight (R) | Creates and provides for a program to provide funding for dual enrollment expenses for public high school students | Withdrawn |
Criminal Justice | HB 626 | Representative Daryl Adams (I) | Creates the crime of aggravated distribution of a controlled dangerous substance | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 628 | Representative Marcus Bryant (D) | Provides that persons convicted of both a crime of violence and a sex offense when the offense was committed on or after Jan. 1, 1997, shall not be eligible for parole. | Sent to Governor |
Marijuana | HB 629 | Representative Marcus Bryant (D) | Prohibits the search without a warrant of a person's place of residence for the odor of marijuana. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 636 | Representative Joseph Orgeron (R) | Provides relative to the disposition of funds derived from alternative energy production in the coastal area | Senate Finance |
Criminal Justice | HB 638 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Provides relative to the expungement of records for victims of human trafficking | Withdrawn |
Criminal Justice | HB 639 | Representative Thomas Pressly (R) | Provides relative to occupational licensing for workers with criminal histories | Sent to Governor |
Vaccination Status | HB 640 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | Requires that certain information be provided on the packaging regarding the production or distribution of vaccines or vaccine-related pharmaceuticals and on an informed consent form in the state. | Senate Health and Welfare |
Elections and Voting | HB 646 | Representative John Stefanski (R) | Makes revisions to the La. Election Code. | Signed by the Governor - Act 274 |
Criminal Justice | HB 648 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Expands access to Crime Victims Reparations Fund | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | HB 649 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Prohibits corporal punishment in public schools | Senate final passage |
Health | HB 650 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Provides for Medicaid coverage of prescription breast milk | Sent to Governor |
HB 651 | Representative Stephanie Hilferty (R) | Provides relative to insurance coverage for prescription breast milk | Sent to Governor | |
Criminal Justice | HB 654 | Representative Marcus Bryant (D) | Provides relative to parole eligibility. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Environment | HB 655 | Representative Jean-Paul Coussan (R) | Establishes a regulatory framework for the management of solar resources. | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 656 | Representative Brett Geymann (R) | Limits the amount of recurring revenue that can be recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference | Senate Finance |
Workers Rights | HB 657 | Representative Daryl Deshotel (R) | Provides relative to the unemployment compensation weekly benefit amount and provides for extended benefits for claimants. | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 660 | Representative Mack Marcel Cormier (D) | (Constitutional Amendment) Requires district attorneys to retire at age 70 | Involuntarily Defered |
Housing | HB 665 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Requires a housing provider to conduct individualized assessment of an application and prohibits the consideration of certain criminal history record information for the basis of providing a conditional offer. | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1063) |
Discrimination | HB 667 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Prohibits race discrimination based on natural hairstyles | Involuntarily Defered |
Elections and Voting | HB 671 | Representative Rick Edmonds (R) | Provides for review of test vote report by the parish board of election supervisors. | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | HB 675 | Represenative Edmond Jordan (D) | Provides relative to consumer credit loans and transactions | Pending House Commerce |
Criminal Justice | HB 676 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | Relative to the habitual offender law, provides that any person convicted of possession of 56 grams or less of marijuana shall not be sentenced as a habitual offender. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Elections and Voting | HB 680 | Representative Candace Newell (D) | Provides relative to notice of changes to polling places | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1065) |
Environment | HB 687 | Representative Joseph Oregon (R) | Dedicates revenues received from alternative or renewable energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund. | Senate Finance |
Marijuana | HB 697 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Revises laws establishing and providing for a regulatory system for medical marijuana. | Sent to Governor |
Health | HB 698 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Provides for fees and charges to be assessed by the La. Department of Health and La. Board of Pharmacy in connection with regulation of marijuana for therapeutic use | Sent to Governor |
Marijuana | HB 700 | Representative Larry Bagley (R) | Provides relative to penalties for possession of marijuana for people under the age of 18 | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 702 | Representative Edmond Jordan (D) | Qualified immunity | Pending House Civil Law and Procedures |
Criminal Justice | HB 706 | Representative John Stefanski (R) | Creates the crime of menacing and provides for criminal penalties. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 707 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides relative to the expungement of criminal records | Senate Final Passage |
Environment | HB 708 | Representative Jack McFarland (R) | Defines biomass as it relates to the Louisiana Renewable Energy Development Act | Signed by the Governor - Act 275 |
Redistricting | HB 712 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides for redistricting of Louisiana congressional districts | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Environment | HB 716 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Reduces the rate of the severance tax levied on oil, certain distillate, and natural gas over a specified period of time | Pending House Ways and Means |
Elections and Voting | HB 720 | Representative Randal Gaines (D) | Provides for election procedures and emergency election plans during a declared state of emergency. | Substitute adopted on the House floor (became HB1082) |
Criminal Justice | HB 721 | Representative Rodney Schamerhorn (R) | Provides relative to the financial obligations of criminal offenders and the satisfaction of financial obligations upon making 12 consecutive monthly payments in accordance with a payment plan. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Environment | HB 723 | Representative Charles Owen (R) | Provides relative to the use of natural gas in new residential structures | Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs |
Criminal Justice | HB 726 | Representative Rodney Lyons (D) | Proposed law retains present law and provides that a defendant shall not be incarcerated for his inability to meet his financial obligations if those financial obligations would cause substantial financial hardship to the defendant or his dependants. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 728 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides relative to medical parole | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 729 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides relative to photo identification of an arrested person | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 730 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides relative to parole eligibility for certain persons | Involuntarily Defered |
Criminal Justice | HB 731 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides relative to emergency preparedness procedures for juvenile facilities. | House Floor Action |
Redistricting | HB 738 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Provides for the redistricting of the supreme court | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Fiscal | HB 741 | Representative Mark Wright (R) | Requires the Department of Revenue to accept virtual currency as a form of payment of taxes, licenses, fees, penalties, and interest due to the state | Pending House Ways and Means |
Criminal Justice | HB 744 | Representative Randal Gaines (D) | Provides relative to relief for cases in which a non-unanimous jury verdict was rendered. | Substitute adopted on the House floor |
Criminal Justice | HB 745 | Representative Kyle Green (D) | Provides relative to the officer bill of rights | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 746 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Proposed law provides that no juvenile in the custody of the office of juvenile justice shall be placed in any form of solitary confinement for any reason other than a temporary response to behavior that poses a serious and immediate threat of physical harm to the juvenile or others. | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | HB 747 | Representative Ray Garofalo (R) | Requires instruction on the "I Have a Dream" speech and prohibits including certain concepts regarding sex, race, ethnicity, and national origin in content standards, curricula, textbooks, and staff professional development programs | Involuntarily Defered |
Fiscal | HB 751 | Representative Ryan Bourriaque (R) | Dedicates funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to certain road projects | Pending House Appropriations |
Fiscal | HB 755 | Representative Clay Schexnayder (R) | Provides for the disbursement of monies received from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 764 | Representative Dustin Miller (D) | Provides that an alleged delinquent child in St. Landry Parish may be placed in an adult jail when certain conditions are met. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice | HB 774 | Representative Cedric Glover (D) | Provides relative to expungements for certain amounts of possession of marijuana | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 775 | Representative Cedric Glover (D) | Provides relative to the definition of drug paraphernalia | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | HB 781 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Requires public high schools to provide an opportunity for certain students to register to vote | Senate final passage |
Health | HB 784 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Support for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders/ maternal mental health | Signed by the Governor - Act 188 |
PreK-12 | HB 787 | Representative Ray Garofalo (R) | Requires public school governing authorities to disclose certain information relative to training, activities, and learning materials on school and school district websites. | Pending House Education |
Higher Education | HB 789 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Provides relative to the student loan lenders | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 794 | Representative Edmond Jordan (R) | Authorizes a rebate for certain costs associated with the purchase and installation of solar electric systems | House Ways and Means |
PreK-12 | HB 798 | Representative Royce Duplessis (D) | Prohibits state content standards and textbooks and other instructional materials that limit or restrict the teaching of African American history | Pending House Education |
Health | HB 800 | Representative Larry Bagley (R) | Establishes the Louisiana Heartbeat Act. | Pending House Health and Welfare |
Environment | HB 803 | Representative Foy Brian Gadberry (R) | Provides relative to the Building Energy Code for State Owned Buildings | Sent to Governor |
Environment | HB 806 | Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman (D) | Creates the Solar Storage Initiative Program to make solar and battery storage systems accessible to households and critical facilities in low-income areas. | Pending House Commerce |
Environment | HB 807 | Representative Tanner Magee (R) | Provides relative to energy storage | Senate Finance |
PreK-12 | HB 808 | Representative Valarie Hodges | Expands the Parents' Bill of Rights for Public Schools | Pending House Education |
PreK-12 | HB 811 | Representative Blake Miguez | Prohibits the use of private funds to pay election-related expenses | Senate final passage |
Health | HB 813 | Representative Danny McCormick (R) | Enacts the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022 | House Final Passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 817 | Representative Mike Johnson (R) | Provides relative to the composition of the La. Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice | |
Workers Rights | HB 819 | Representative Kenny Cox (D) | Provides relative to extended sick leave related to pregnancy and infant care for certain school employees. | Pending Senate final passage |
Redistricting | HB 823 | Representative Randal Gaines (D) | Provides relative to the districts for members of the United States Congress | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
PreK-12 | HB 824 | Representative Laurie Schlegel | Creates and provides for a program to provide state funding for the education of students not enrolled in a public school (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note) | Pending House Appropriations |
PreK-12 | HB 837 | Representative Dodie Horton (R) | Prohibits instruction on and discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity for certain public school students. | Pending House Education |
Criminal Justice | HB 844 | Representative Daryl Adams (I) | Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute heroin and fentanyl and carfentanil | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 846 | Representative C. Denise Marcelle | Provides relative to registration and voting by a person convicted of a felony | Pending House and Governmental Affairs |
Health | HB 850 | Representative Larry Frieman | Provides relative to medical malpractice claims | Senate Health and Welfare |
Criminal Justice | HB 871 | Representative C. Denise Marcelle | Provides relative to reinstatement fees for an arrested person's failure to honor a written promise to appear | Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works |
Workers Rights | HB 880 | Representative Wilferd Carter, Sr. | Establishes a state minimum wage rate | House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | HB 908 | Representative Barbara Reich Freiberg (R) | Provides relative to information contained in pre-parole reports | Pending House Administration on Criminal Justice |
Health | HB 909 | Representative Rick Edmonds (R) | Establishes a continuum of care program for certain pregnant women and parents of young children | Sent to Governor |
Government Affairs | HB 922 | Representative C. Denise Marcelle | Provides for the collection and reporting of data | Pending House Judiciary |
Criminal Justice | HB 926 | Representative Daryl Adams (I) | Provides relative to publication of arrests for certain offenses involving heroin, fentanyl, or carfentanil | House Final Passage |
Firearms | HB 949 | Representative Tammy Phelps (D) | Provides relative to illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile | House Administration of Criminal Justice |
PreK-12 | HB 979 | Representative Aimee Freeman (D) | Provides for the sharing of limited student information for the purpose of administering certain federal food assistance programs | Signed by the Governor - Act 276 |
Vaccination Status | HB 990 | Representative Thomas Pressly (R) | Provides relative to the prohibition of vaccination mandates | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Health | HB995 | Representative Samuel Jenkins (D) | Establishes the La. Family and Medical Leave Fund in the state treasury for implementation costs associated with a state-funded family and medical leave program | Pending House Appropriations |
Workers Rights | HB1003 | Representative Barbara Carpenter (D) | Creates the Louisiana Family and Medical Leave Benefits Act | Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Vaccination Status | HB 1022 | Representative Beryl Amedee (R) | Provides for a cause of action for mandating, recommending, or administering certain products | Failed House final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 1028 | Representative Cedric Glover (D) | Provides relative to penalties for possession or use of marijuana drug paraphernalia | Reconsideration - Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | HB 1059 | Representative Tony Balaca (R) | Provides relative to contradictory bail hearings for certain persons | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 1063 | Representative Matthew Willard (D) | Provides relative to the Louisiana Equal Housing Opportunity Act | House Final Passage |
Elections and Voting | HB 1065 | Representative Candace Newell (D) | Provides relative to notice of changes to polling places | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | HB 1077 | Representative Randal Gaines (D) | Provides relative to convictions rendered by a verdict from a non-unanimous jury | Subject to call - House final passage |
Elections and Voting | HB 1082 | Representative Randal Gaines (D) | Provides for election procedures during a state of emergency | Sent to Governor |
Discrimination | HB 1083 | Representative Candace Newell (D) | Provides relative to hair discrimination in education, employment, public accommodations, and housing options | Sent to Governor |
Bill Focus | Bill # | Bill Sponsor | Summary | Current Status |
Discrimination | SB 1 | Senator Patrick McMath (R) | Constitutional amendment to provide for freedom from discrimination relative to immunization status | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Vaccination Status | SB 2 | Senator Patrick McMath (R) | Requires acceptance of a COVID-19 antibody test result in satisfaction of any requirement for proof of vaccine. | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Environment | SB 3 | Senator Bret Allain (R) | Proposed law changes the deposit from 50% to the Coastal Resources Trust Fund to 75% to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund | Signed by the Governor - Act 282 |
Criminal Justice | SB 4 | Senator John "Jay" Morris (R) | Constitutional amendment to eliminate judge's discretion to grant bail for certain offenses after conviction but prior to sentencing. | Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice |
Vaccination Status | SB 11 | Senator Patrick McMath (R) | Proposed law adds immunization status as a protected class. | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Workers Rights | SB 12 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Provides for an extension of the Competitive Projects Payroll Incentive Program. | Signed by the Governor - Act 249 |
Environment | SB 20 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | Requires air monitoring systems in certain permitted facilities | Pending Senate Environmental Quality |
Environment | SB 23 | Senator Bret Allain (R) | Provides for the deposit of monies into the Oilfield Site Restoration Fund. | Signed by the Governor - Act 251 |
PreK-12 | SB 24 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | To provide a rebate for elementary and secondary teachers providing full-time classroom instruction in this state up to $1,000 | Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
PreK-12 | SB 25 | Senator Franklin Foil (R) | Provides for earnings enhancements for the START K12 Program. | Pending Senate Finance |
Health | SB 29 | Senator Stewart Cathey (R) | Prohibits discrimination against healthcare professionals and provides for protection of healthcare professional credentials | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Vaccination Status | SB 37 | Senator Michael Fesi (R) | Prohibits denial of healthcare services based on vaccination status | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Workers Rights | SB 41 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Extends the Louisiana Quality Jobs Program Act. | Signed by the Governor - Act 254 |
Discrimination | SB 44 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Provides for the Fairness in Women's Sports Act relative to a school's ability to offer equal opportunities to each student to participate in team sporting events on an equal basis | Became law without the Governor's signature - Act 283 |
PreK-12 | SB 47 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | Requires public schools to offer prekindergarten instruction | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | SB 50 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides for public school choice in certain high school programs | Sent to Governor |
Government Affairs | SB 51 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Adds a second commissioner to the Twenty-Second Judicial District Court and authorizes commissioners to preside over domestic violence cases and civil matters | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | SB 53 | Senator Franklin Foil (R) | Provides certain exceptions to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons. | Signed by the Governor - Act 126 |
Vaccination Status | SB 58 | Senator Michael Fesi (R) | Provides relative to privacy of immunization status. | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Health | SB 59 | Senator Fred Mills (R) | Provides relative to prepayment reviews conducted by Medicaid managed care organizations. | Sent to Governor |
Health | SB 60 | Senator Stewart Cathey (R) | provides that a physician who attends a pregnant woman during labor or delivery shall take or have taken a sample of her blood within eight hours after delivery to identify the presence of any controlled dangerous substance. | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Environment | SB 65 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | requires the secretary to adopt, promulgate, and enforce standards, limitations, and other regulations for sources that are not required to obtain a permit. | Pending Senate Environmental Quality |
Criminal Justice | SB 66 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | provides enhanced penalties when the offender goes to the residence or household, school, or place of employment of the person for whose benefit the protective order is in effect while in possession of a firearm | Signed by the Governor - Act 75 |
Criminal Justice | SB 69 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | Provides relative to protections for crime victims | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 71 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | Provides relative to the district attorney's discretion to prosecute a juvenile as an adult for certain offenses. | Signed by the Governor - Act 175 |
Criminal Justice | SB 72 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | Removes judges' ability to dismiss cases for good cause in juvenile court | Signed by the Governor - Act 176 |
Elections and Voting | SB 74 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Proposed law provides that any qualified Louisiana voter who is not a candidate in the election may serve as a poll watcher. | Signed by the Governor - Act 178 |
PreK-12 | SB 76 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | Provides that certain graduate students shall be exempt from mandatory student fees. | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | SB 81 | Senator Mack White (R) | Repeals requirement for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students information reporting system to include demographic information of award recipients. | Sent to Governor |
Discrimination | SB 92 | Senator Stewart Cathey (R) | Prohibits employers from discriminating against employees due to their medical history. | House Labor and Industrial Relations |
Environment | SB 110 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Creates the Louisiana Electric Investment Recovery Securitization Act | Signed by the Governor - Act 255 |
Health | SB 116 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Creates the office on women's health within the Louisiana Department of Health. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | SB 125 | Senator Michael Fesi (R) | Provides for actions arising from coastal use permits | Pending Senate Natural Resources |
Criminal Justice | SB 142 | Senator Jay Morris (R) | Prohibits violent offenders from being released under certain circumstances | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | SB 143 | Senator John "Jay" Morris (R) | Provides relative to the concealed carrying of firearms. | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | SB 144 | Senator Fred Mills (R) | Present law provides that any voter may vote at an early voting site in a parish where the voter is registered to vote. | Sent to Governor |
Health | SB 147 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Provides for sexual assault survivors to have access to certain documents from the forensic medical exam. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 148 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Provides for post-conviction relief for victims of human trafficking. | Signed by the Governor - Act 130 |
Fiscal | SB 151 | Senator J. Rogers Pope (R) | Constitutional amendment to provide for local governmental input in the Industrial Tax Exemption Program. | Failed Senate floor |
Environment | SB 155 | Senator Patrick Connick (R) | Prohibits certain uses of single-use plastic bags. | Pending Senate Environmental Quality |
Firearms | SB 161 | Senator Kirk Talbot (R) | Increases penalty for crime of carjacking when committed with a firearm or other dangerous weapon | Signed by the Governor - Act 131 |
PreK-12 | SB 169 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Requires annual meetings of and reports from the Early Childhood Care and Education Commission. (gov sig) | Signed by the Governor - Act 82 |
Workers Rights | SB 173 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Provides for program changes to the Louisiana Quality Jobs Program Act. | Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs |
Fiscal | SB 174 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Provides relative to shareholder remedies within the state banking code | Signed by the Governor - Act 261 |
Health | SB 175 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Removal of Collaborative Practice Agreement | Pending Senate Health and Welfare |
Health | SB 184 | Senator Gerald Bordeaux | Provides relative to Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP) participants. | WITHDRAWN |
PreK-12 | SB 189 | Senator Mack Bodi White (R) | Provides relative to the jurisdiction of the Central Community School System | Subject to call - House final passage |
Environment | SB 197 | Senator Mack Bodi White (R) | Allows industry representative to serve on groundwater commission | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | SB 199 | Senator Gary Smith (D) | Proposed constitution requires all elections to be fair and equal and disallows the interference with or prevention from exercise of the right to vote by any power, civil or military. | Subject to call - Senate final passage |
Criminal Justice | SB 221 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Proposed law provides that the defendant may file a motion to reconsider sentence when the offender has been sentenced for greater than the current maximum, when the defendant was convicted of possession of marijuana in an amount of 14 grams or less and provides the motion must be in writing and must provide evidence necessary to support the claim. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Government Affairs | SB 225 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Constitutional Amendment to provide for remote operations of the legislature during a declared emergency | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | SB 226 | Senator Heather Cloud (R) | Constitutional amendment to allow the attorney general to institute, prosecute, or intervene in any criminal action or proceeding concerning a felony election offense. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Health | SB 233 | Senator Patrick McMath (R) | provides there is presumption that the purpose of a lease of a dwelling or residential property is for habitation. | Pending Senate Judiciary A |
Criminal Justice | SB 234 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Constitutional amendment to allow adult prosecution and enhanced penalties against juveniles in correctional facilities who commit assault or battery against an employee or juvenile. | Subject to call - House final passage |
PreK-12 | SB 238 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Removes the reduced price co-payment for reduced school lunches | Senate Finance |
PreK-12 | SB 238 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Removes the reduced-price copayment for school meals. | Pending Senate Education |
Fiscal | SB 246 | Senator Bret R.L. Allain (R) | Constitutional amendment to authorize parishes to exempt inventory from ad valorem taxation. | Senate Final Passage |
Health | SB 249 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Would close sober living homes, transitional housing for FIPs, and most group homes | WITHDRAWN |
Criminal Justice | SB 251 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Provides for expert testimony for defendants seeking to show justification at the time of the crime | |
Criminal Justice | SB 252 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Proposed law provides that when an offender commits a sex offense on a victim who is under the age of 13 at the time of the offense, the court may sentence the offender to surgical castration, to be performed by a licensed physician. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | SB 255 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Provides relative to court costs and fees in domestic abuse cases. | Sent to Governor |
PreK-12 | SB 256 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Proposed law requires the principal, prior to suspending a student, to ensure that the student is assessed using an instrument, such as the Adverse Childhood Experiences Assessment developed by the Centers for Disease Control, that is designed to determine if the student has experienced trauma. Further requires the results of the assessment to be used to determine whether the student's behavior may be better addressed in a manner other than through suspension. | Failed House final passage |
Elections and Voting | SB 258 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides relative to voting and the holding of elections impaired as the result of a declared emergency or disaster. | Signed by the Governor - Act 286 |
Fiscal | SB 259 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides reporting requirements for certain state agencies that administer certain federal and state social service or financial assistance programs. | Sent to Governor |
Health | SB 268 | Senator Beth Mizell (R) | Provides relative to opioid treatment programs for pregnant women. | Sent to Governor |
Workers Rights | SB 269 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Proposed constitutional amendment sets the state minimum hourly wage rate at $10.25. Proposed constitutional amendment provides that the state minimum wage rate will be increased by rate of inflation for the 12-month period prior to that September according to the Consumer Price Index or its successor index. | Pending Senate Labor and Industrial Relations |
Criminal Justice | SB 273 | Senator Franklin Foil (R) | Provides parole eligibility for certain offenders. | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | SB 277 | Senator Patrick Cortez (R) | Creates the Megaprojects Leverage Fund. | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | SB 287 | Senator Louie Bernard (R) | Provides for lifetime concealed handgun permits and reduces the permit fee. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Government Affairs | SB 288 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Constitutional Amendment to increase the composition of the Louisiana Supreme Court from six to eight associate justices. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Workers Rights | SB 289 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Provides for employee paid sick days | Pending Senate Labor and Industrial Relations |
Environment | SB 292 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides for regulation of greenhouse emissions. | Pending Senate Environmental Quality |
Criminal Justice | SB 294 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Eliminates the death penalty for offenses committed on or after August 1, 2022, and allocates savings generated to Early Childhood Education Fund literacy programs. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | SB 295 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Provides for parole eligibility for certain offenders. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | SB 303 | Senator Franklin Foil (R) | Provides for occupational or professional licensure of a person with a criminal history | Pending Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs |
Criminal Justice | SB 304 | Senator Stewart Cathey, JR (R) | Provides relative to commutation of a prison sentence for good behavior | Sent to Governor |
Government Affairs | SB 306 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | Provides relative to the districts for elected members of the United States Congress. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Government Affairs | SB 307 | Senator Cleo Fields (D) | Provides for redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Government Affairs | SB 308 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides for redistricting of the Supreme Court. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Government Affairs | SB 309 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Provides for redistricting of the Supreme Court. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Health | SB 315 | Senator Glen Womack (R) | Provides relative to fentanyl. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 323 | Senator Heather Cloud (R) | Proposed law requires the deputy secretary for youth services adopt rules to develop and implement a tiered system of secure juvenile facilities in the state for the placement of juveniles in the custody of the office of juvenile justice. | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | SB 325 | Senator Gary Carter (D) | Provides for the creation, transfer, dedication, deposit and use of the HOPE Fund. | Pending Senate Finance |
Firearms | SB 327 | Senator Gary Carter (D) | Provides for the seizure of firearms from persons who pose a risk of imminent injury to self or others. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | SB 335 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Provides for a juvenile in a correctional facility to serve additional time when he commits an assault or battery on an employee of the facility or another juvenile in the facility. | Subject to call - House final passage |
Criminal Justice | SB 336 | Senator Gary Smith (D) | Provides for determination of parole eligibility for juveniles under certain circumstances. | Pending Senate Judiciary B |
Health | SB 342 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Provides relative to the application of abortion statutes. | Sent to Governor |
Elections and Voting | SB 343 | Senator Gary Carter (D) | Requires each parish to have at least two early voting locations and requires early voting locations for certain municipalities. | Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs |
Elections and Voting | SB 350 | Senator Heather Cloud (R) | Provides relative to elections. | Sent to Governor |
Environment | SB 354 | Senator Stewart Cathey | establishes the "Louisiana Consumer Fuel Choice Act". | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 357 | Senator Katrina Jackson (D) | Proposed law retains present law but adds the crime of manslaughter to be considered for expungement, and changes the number of years from 10 to five to meet the conditions. Further provides as a condition that the person has been gainfully employed with no lapse in employment for more than 30 days during the five year period. | Pending Senate Judiciary C |
Criminal Justice | SB 365 | Senator Regina Barrow (D) | Creates the Louisiana Domestic Violence Registry | Pending Senate Judiciary B |
Elections and Voting | SB 369 | Senator Jimmy Harris (D) | Provides for compensation for certain election workers. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 370 | Senator Jimmy Harris (D) | Provides for parent participation after adjudication of a delinquent act committed by their juvenile child. | Sent to Governor |
Firearms | SB 379 | Senator Barrow Peacock (R) | Prohibits possession of firearms, ammunition, or electric weapons or devices by certain felons. Adds juvenile adjudications to crime of felon in possession of a firearm | Sent to Governor |
Fiscal | SB 381 | Senator Rick Ward (R) | Creates the "Louisiana Credit Access Loan Act". | Vetoed by Governor |
Environment | SB 384 | Senator Michael Fesi (R) | Prohibits banks from "discriminating" against oil and gas companies | Pending Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs |
Health | SB 388 | Senator Sharon Hewitt (R) | Prohibits the sale of certain abortion inducing drugs without a prescription and creates the crime of criminal induced chemical abortion. | Sent to Governor |
Criminal Justice | SB 389 | Senator Mike Reese (R) | Provides relative to the suspension of driver's licenses for failure to pay taxes. (gov sig) | Sent to Governor |
Environment | SB 390 | Senator Mack Bodi White (R) | Proposed law creates the Oil and Gas Industry Employment Incentive Program | Substitute adopted on the Senate floor (became SB495) |
Criminal Justice | SB 418 | Senator Stewart Cathey, Jr (R) | Provides relative to the age of juveniles. | Subject to call - House final passage |
Elections and Voting | SB 478 | Senator Louie Bernard (R) | Provides relative to the public records law | Sent to Governor |
Bill Focus | Bill # | Bill Sponsor | Summary | Current Status |