For Immediate Release: September 7, 2021
New Orleans, LA– Power Coalition for Equity and Justice is on the front lines of Hurricane Ida response, amplifying the work of community partners and organizers. In times of crisis, directly impacted people know what they need and Hurricane Ida is no different.
Throughout Southeast Louisiana we have seen an outpouring of support from neighbors, faith leaders, community organizers, and community members who know how to respond to each other’s needs. To aid in these efforts, Power Coalition regranted over $150,000 to grassroots organizers and mutual aid groups on the ground in the first week of hurricane recovery.
“We are proud of our ability to regrant dollars to the community and know that there is a grassroots infrastructure that has been built so that we are responsive to community needs immediately,” says Ashley Shelton, Founder and CEO of Power Coalition. “We are steeped in community so we know who these people and organizations are.”
Power Coalition has regranted money to over 11 partner base-building organizations throughout the state. These groups include: New Orleans Workers’ Center, United Houma Nation, Mutual Aid Louisiana, Terrebonne Parish NAACP, Baton Rouge Community College, The People’s Creed, P.R.E.A.C.H. Baton Rouge, Rise St. James, Inclusive Louisiana, Concerned Citizens of Saint John, The Descendants Project, Pointe-au-Chien Tribal Community, Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition, House of Tulip, and others. This funding has put cash, food, ice, water, and other necessities on the ground quickly.
Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition was able to send $100 gift cards to community members with Power Coalition’s regrant. “We continually partner with the Power Coalition to get resources to our community members most impacted by the storm. In times like these, we need to stick together” says OPPRC executive director, Sade Dumas.
“Fast-acting grants and donations helped House of Tulip pivot to meet the immediate needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming people and our larger community including immunocompromised and undocumented people during Hurricane Ida,” says Mariah Moore, founder of House of Tulip.
“The work is not over,” says Shelton, “we know from experience that disaster recovery takes years and that right now our neighbors and communities are hurting. We will continue to partner with organizations and community members to rebuild homes, provide food, water, and ice, and to connect our communities to vital resources.”
Who: Power Coalition for Equity and Justice
What: Provides over $150,000 through regranting in the first week of Hurricane Ida recovery
Ashley Shelton, President, Founder, CEO of Power Coalition, (225) 802- 2435, ashelton@powercoalition.org
Morgan Shannon, Director of Strategic Partnerships, (504) 214 – 3040