Panel Convenes for Status Hearing Timelines: Redistricting 2022

On May 6th, 2024 the panel reconvened for a status hearing to discuss the remedial process of drawing a map in time for the November elections. The judges shared deadlines for the next steps.

  • May 17 – New Maps to be Submitted: Each party may submit their proposal which is limited to one map per party. The proposal shall include both evidence and argument supporting the map. Evidence in support of the propsal may be attached as exhibits.
  • May 24 – Responses to be Submitted: Each party may file a single response, responding to one or mor of the other parties’ proposed maps.
  • May 30 – Hearing to be Held: Hearing to be held in Lafayette, LA Courtroom 1 before Judge Carl E. Stewart, District Judges Robert R. Summerhays and David C Joseph to consider arguments in support of their proposal and against any other party’s proposal. Argument shall be limited to forty-five minutes per party.